Showing posts with label GNS3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GNS3. Show all posts

Cisco ASA in GNS3

January 23, 2017
Here is another tutorial running Cisco ASAv on GNS3 using Qemu.

For Configure GNS3

In My case I have used ASAv952-204.qcow2

Go to the GNS3>Edit>Preferences>QEMU>Qemu VMs>New
Follow on screen procedure. 

Don't forget to enable kvm and memory allocation. 

Now you can see I can run ASAv 9.5.2

Blank Password.

EoMPLS Configuration

March 08, 2016
EoMPLS is point to point L2 VPN services which is used to transport all Ethernet frame received on particular Ethernet or VLAN,  its also called Any Transport over MPLS(ATOM) means this technology can connect like Frame-Relay, PPP, Ethernet,ATM etc.

IOS used

Logical Topology
Make sure MPLS with IGP  is confugure as shown in a diagram. I'm not going to configure MPLS here. This tutorial only show how to configure xconnect tunnel peer with other side customer faces interface in our network diagram we interconnect PE1 fa1/0 with PE2 fa0/0 interfaces.

Config of PE1

PE1#sh run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 1337 bytes
upgrade fpd auto
version 15.1
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname PE1

ip cef

interface Loopback0
 ip address
 ip ospf network point-to-point
 ip ospf 1 area 0
interface FastEthernet0/0
 ip address
 ip ospf 1 area 0
 duplex half
 mpls ip
interface FastEthernet1/0
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
 xconnect 15 encapsulation mpls

router ospf 1

mpls ldp router-id Loopback0 force
PE1#sh mpls l2transport vc

Local intf     Local circuit              Dest address    VC ID      Status
-------------  -------------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------
Fa1/0          Ethernet                  15         DOWN
*Mar  8 07:49:39.887: %LDP-5-NBRCHG: LDP Neighbor (2) is UP
PE1#sh mpls l2transport vc

Local intf     Local circuit              Dest address    VC ID      Status
-------------  -------------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------
Fa1/0          Ethernet                  15         UP

PE1#sh mpls l2transport vc detail
Local interface: Fa1/0 up, line protocol up, Ethernet up
  Destination address:, VC ID: 15, VC status: up


PC1> ping
84 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=39.002 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=39.002 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=39.002 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=40.002 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=31.001 ms

PC1> sh ip

NAME        : PC1[1]
IP/MASK     :

PC2> ping
84 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=40.002 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=40.002 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=41.002 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=59.003 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=41.003 ms

PC2> sh ip

NAME        : PC2[1]
IP/MASK     :


PE1#sh mpls ldp neighbor all
    Peer LDP Ident:; Local LDP Ident
        TCP connection: -
        State: Oper; Msgs sent/rcvd: 36/35; Downstream
        Up time: 00:24:20
        LDP discovery sources:
          FastEthernet0/0, Src IP addr:
        Addresses bound to peer LDP Ident:

    Peer LDP Ident:; Local LDP Ident
        TCP connection: -
        State: Oper; Msgs sent/rcvd: 21/22; Downstream
        Up time: 00:11:25
        LDP discovery sources:
          Targeted Hello ->, active, passive
        Addresses bound to peer LDP Ident:

Configuring a Basic MPLS VPN

March 08, 2016
It's been a long time I'm away from blogging due to some R&D on the network with Juniper boxes. On this tutorial I'm going to configure very basic MPLS VPN configuration in GNS3. After that we go for EoMPLS configuration.

This is the logical topology for this tutorial.
Here I only post the configuration file from PE other router configuration is almost same. Here is the points should be remember.

1. Make sure IGP with MPLS is configure on PE,P, it shouldn't be configure on customer facing interface.
2. Make sure all loopback interface is reachable. 
3. Configure VRF with RD and RT, then applied it on right interface.
4. Configure MP-BGP on PE and peer it.
5. Make sure to redistribute the CE IGP protocol into the BGP and vice versa.

Below command can be copy paste into your router. Before that make sure you had make change necessary things.

Config from PE1

PE1#sh run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 2126 bytes
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname PE1
ip cef
ip tcp synwait-time 5
ip vrf CustA
 rd 100:1
 route-target export 1:100
 route-target import 1:100
no ip domain lookup
interface Loopback0
 ip address
 ip ospf network point-to-point
 ip ospf 1 area 0
interface FastEthernet0/0
 ip address
 ip ospf 1 area 0
 duplex auto
 speed auto
 mpls ip
interface FastEthernet0/1
 ip vrf forwarding CustA
 ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
router eigrp 1
 address-family ipv4 vrf CustA
 redistribute bgp 1 metric 1500 2000 200 100 15000
 no auto-summary
 autonomous-system 100
router ospf 1
router bgp 1
 no synchronization
 bgp log-neighbor-changes
 neighbor remote-as 1
 neighbor update-source Loopback0
 no auto-summary
 address-family vpnv4
 neighbor activate
 neighbor send-community both
 address-family ipv4 vrf CustA
 redistribute eigrp 100
 no auto-summary
 no synchronization

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 36/70/92 ms

CE1#sh ip route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
       D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
       N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
       E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
       i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
       ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
       o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 1 subnets
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1 is subnetted, 1 subnets
D [90/307200] via, 00:50:22, FastEthernet0/1

Juniper DHCP Server Configuration

September 01, 2015
We already configure our QEMU in GNS3 and run our vSRX Router. Now its time to configure DHCP server in our vSRX router. Lets began.
Logical Diagram for this tutorial

To configure DHCP server

Assign Lowest and highest IP range
root# set system services dhcp pool address-range low high

Assign DNS server (in my case I had used Router interface IP)
root# set system services dhcp pool name-server

Assign IP address of the router
root# set system services dhcp pool router

Assign the lease time
root# set system services dhcp pool default-lease-time 3600

Assign DHCP as an allowed inbound service for the interface which we are going to enable DHCP.

root# set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces ge-0/0/1 host-inbound-traffic system-services dhcp

Assign IP address to the client faced interface.
root# set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address

Check our client get the IP Address from the server.

How to statically assign IP with fixed MAC address

root#set system service dhcp static-binding 00:50:79:66:68:00 fixed-address

PC1>show ip

Request DHCP IP

PC1>dhcp -d



September 01, 2015
In this tutorial I'm going to run vSRX JunOS in QEMU and configure it as DHCP Server. Lets began with installing vSRX into QEMU.

I have try vSRX to run into Vbox but never succeeded. So I better to choose QEMU otherwise waste of time.

In my case I had used junos-vsrx-12.1X46-D10.2-domestic to mount into QEMU. Search for it.
Now we have to convert our .vdi file into .image, for that use following command

cd d:\junos\
c:\Program Files\GNS3\qemu\>qemu-img.exe convert -O qcow2 d:\junos\junos-vsrx-12.1X46-D10.2-domestic-disk1.vdi d:\junos\junos-vsrx-12.1X46-D10.2-domestic.img

We just made our image ready to run into QEMU. Go the GNS3

Note: Strongly recommended to use QEMU in linux and enable KVM otherwise it eats up all your CPU and RAM.

-nographic -smp 2 -enable-kvm

>edit>preference>choose "QEMU VMs"
Click on "New" Choose "Default " Gave Name "vSRX" (in my case).

I'll use following topology to configure DHCP server for the tutorial. 

Now we ready to move on the next step. Configuration DHCP

Juniper Message from syslogd

September 01, 2015
While doing some lab test, this weird syslogd message appear every seconds on the console terminal, so it was very difficult to complete the lab.

This messages are due the following syslog configuration . 

So for now we are going to de-activate it to generating the message

#deactivate system syslog user * 

vSphere Client Displays Empty Inventory

May 27, 2015
Suddenly my home datacenter  vsphere lab show empty inventory in vSphere client. There was no any host at all. I have three ( Cisco IOU, CentOS 7, Ubuntu server) host configure for lab  purpose. So I must recover those host to complete my lab because I almost completed all labs.  Thus here is process how to retrieve those lost host from vSphere client in vSphere 6 database.

Step 1:
Login to the vSphere client choose your database from Configuration Tab > right click database and choose "Browse Dababase".

Step 2: Now next window open the database page. From here open your host folder then choose ".vmx" right click and choose "Add to inventory" then follow the onscreen instruction.

Next window 

Select the database

Next click to finish

Now your server is in the inventory list, you can run the server. In my case its my CentOS 7 server, it will run smoothly. 

JunOS VirtualBox GNS3

April 05, 2014
 This is the Step 2 in our GNS3 Lab with JunOS, Quagga and Cisco router.

I have tried different tutorial posted in other blogs. I've never found any tutorial  work until now. Every-time I stuck at the middle of the tutorials.  In this blog post, I'll show you how to install JunOS in VBox and later I'll integrate it into GNS3 lab.

I have take Olive12.1R1.9.img, I know you're smart to get it from the Internet. Lets begin the installation of JunOS. Before that, convert the JunOS image into Vbox vdi Image.

For easy installation and to avoid error during this tutorial, enter into the JunOS folder, in my case.

This tutorials assume that you have already install GNS3 and VBox.

Step 1

Prepare JunOS for VBox.
C:\Users\jpudasaini\Desktop\jun>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxmanage" convertdd Olive12.1R1.9.img Olive12.1.R1.9.vdi
Its take time to convert the image, wait for few minute depends on your PC configuration.

Now go to the jun folder you can see Olive12.1R1.9.vdi image is created.

Step 2
  • Open VBox and create New Virtual Machine and give any name choose BSD then FreeBSD.
  • On next window choose at least 512MB RAM, click next.
  • Now its important step, while choosing Hard Drive in this step select "Use an existing virtual hard drive file". Then locate previous created vdi file. In my case "c:\user\jpudasaini\Desktop\jun\Olive12.1R1.9.vdi"
  • Its time to open GNS3>Edit>Preferences>VirtualBox>VirtualBox Guest
  1. Identifier name: Juniper
  2. VM List:- JunOS(In this step you may not seen any VBox OS just click "Refresh VM List"
  3. Click "save" and go the GNS3 main window, 

Add VirtualBox Guest in GNS3 working area. Becareful in this step, don't run guest OS from VBox, just run it from GNS3 Working enviroment area, right clicking and start.
  • To login to router console just right click JunOS and choose"console" now you can login to router console with ID "root" no password.

Your JunOS router is ready to used.

Enjoy! :)