Hi, recently when I'm trying to install some linux daemon in CentOS 7 I have encountered a PERL issue, indicating that some module are missing e.g.
Can't locate sys/syslog.pm in @INC
It means it can't find the pear-sys-syslog. So I have to install this daemon to continue my installation. In my case its syslog.pm but you may encounter different than this. I mean the module name is different, but the error code is same. You need to search that package and install it. In my case I have just used this module
root@localhost#yum install -y perl-sys-syslog
Now the installation has been working.
Can't locate sys/syslog.pm in @INC
It means it can't find the pear-sys-syslog. So I have to install this daemon to continue my installation. In my case its syslog.pm but you may encounter different than this. I mean the module name is different, but the error code is same. You need to search that package and install it. In my case I have just used this module
root@localhost#yum install -y perl-sys-syslog
Now the installation has been working.