Hello fellow blog reader, after long gap I'm going to write this thread regarding the basic Juniper command and configuration. I try to include as much as troubleshooting/configuration command during day to day work. I would like to thank to Srijan pointing the error on LACP command. 1. Set username for login root@jpudasaini#set system root-authentication encrypted-password New password: Retype new password: root@jpudasaini#set system login user jay full-name jaypudasaini uid 400 class super-user authentication encrypted-password 2. Hostname configuration. root@switch#set system host-name jpudasaini root@jpudasaini# 3. Set Tacplus authentication for juniper switch. root@jpudasaini# set system authentication-order tacplus root@jpudasaini# set system authentication-order password root@jpudasaini# set system root-authentication encrypted-password "you password here" root@jpudasaini# set system tacplus-server tacplus server IP) secret ...