JunOS VirtualBox GNS3

This is the Step 2 in our GNS3 Lab with JunOS, Quagga and Cisco router.

I have tried different tutorial posted in other blogs. I've never found any tutorial  work until now. Every-time I stuck at the middle of the tutorials.  In this blog post, I'll show you how to install JunOS in VBox and later I'll integrate it into GNS3 lab.

I have take Olive12.1R1.9.img, I know you're smart to get it from the Internet. Lets begin the installation of JunOS. Before that, convert the JunOS image into Vbox vdi Image.

For easy installation and to avoid error during this tutorial, enter into the JunOS folder, in my case.

This tutorials assume that you have already install GNS3 and VBox.

1. Detailed Steps for Image Conversion:

Prepare JunOS for VBox.
C:\Users\jpudasaini\Desktop\jun>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxmanage" convertdd Olive12.1R1.9.img Olive12.1.R1.9.vdi
Its take time to convert the image, wait for few minute depends on your PC configuration.

Now go to the jun folder you can see Olive12.1R1.9.vdi image is created.

2. Creating the Virtual Machine in VirtualBox:
  • Create a new Virtual Machine: Open VBox and create New Virtual Machine and give any name choose BSD then FreeBSD.
  • Hardware Configuration:
    • Specify the appropriate hardware settings (e.g., RAM, CPU cores, network settings) for the JunOS VM.
    • In my case I will choose at least 512MB RAM, click next. (e.g., sufficient RAM for JunOS to operate smoothly).
  • Attach the VDI Image: Now its important step, while choosing Hard Drive in this step select "Use an existing virtual hard drive file". Then locate previous created vdi file. In my case  
3. Integrating with GNS3:
  • GNS3>Edit>Preferences>VirtualBox>VirtualBox Guest
  1. Identifier name: Juniper
  2. VM List:- JunOS(In this step you may not seen any VBox OS just click "Refresh VM List"
  3. Click "save" and go the GNS3 main window, 

Add VirtualBox Guest in GNS3 working area. Becareful in this step, don't run guest OS from VBox, just run it from GNS3 Working environment area, right clicking and start.
  • To login to router console just right click JunOS and choose"console" now you can login to router console with ID "root" no password.

Your JunOS router is ready to used.

Enjoy! :)