Dear Blog reader today I'm going to setup VPN/PPTP server for Mikrotik RouterOS. Its very easy to set it up. Just follow below tutorial. Logical Diagram for this tutorial. Step1: Go the IP>Pool> Give Pool for your VPN server IP address list. See below Step 2: Now Click on PPP> Interface>PPTP server> Now check Enable to enable the server Step 3: Go to profile> Name:- Give name Local Address:- choose what you name while creating POOL Remote Address:- Same as Pool name DNS:- Give free or given by your ISP Step 4: Click on Secrets> Name:- This is a username to login to VPN server Password:- Password for your username Profile:- What you create previous in VPN profile. Now your VPN server is ready to login. If your VPN profile need to internet access then add to NAT under firewall Go the firewall>NAT and add your IP address then masquerade VPN server IP address. General>Chain>srcnat>sr...